Note: This site last updated Feb 13, 2025.

No, I'm not Mark P. Bromley ... nor do I want to be him. ...

I explain down further in the text here that I intended to confirm Mark P. Bromley's service since an article I read about him had it that he "claimed" to be a veteran. I decided to extend an olive branch, if you will, and show him my military discharge document which reflects that I received a honorable discharge. My DD-214 includes the notation "physical disability" and I received a compensation of five thousand dollars. I also have medical benefits through the VA. The copy of my DD-214 that I have is a certified copy that I can retrieve from the county clerk's office since I did as suggested by my old command ("Exit Orientation") and took my original there for them to keep a copy on file after I was discharged. In Mark's video he talks about my DD-214, lying about it's contents to slander me. He never mentions that my discharge was medical which explains the three and a half years time in, which he also lies about it by reducing my time in by a year.

I also want to point out that I understand the tendency to "ad hominem" me to satisfy a position of "Just World" (is how it's described in the trauma-informed community) & so matter what I do in regards to being of help to people and maybe straitening out misconceptions, etc., it'll be a point to figure out how I'm not the one to be pointing out anything to anyone, I must've had an easier life than I purport (or something) and if I went on to explain that most of my oldest friends have already passed then "whatever!" on that point too, I suppose. Why not me too then? (or something). How can I expect people to understand who are comfortable with discussing other human beings' life & death while always having the option to include a "ha-ha" emoticon with their retort, & are tempted to utilize the visual effect? I made it a point to listen to & learn from educated people in the human/social services field & many of them made it a point to tell me what they knew, which wasn't always easy since other clients' confidentiality was always respected. The people in the social services who informally educated me caught on to the fact that I had an eclectic background and respected me because along with my military service I did skilled labor type work, even with my reconstructed ankle and associated physical disability, but yet I didn't think myself as better among the other clientele, some of whom experienced a level of violence in their lives to a degree to render them incapable of working a regular job. There were the kind of people on their client list that would be subjected to mocking and torment out in the world.

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"This video can be found at: Dishonest website of Mayor Leighty working with an internet scammer in 2023 misinformation campaign - YouTube and the associated description is as follows:

Oct 2, 2024

This is a video of a disgruntled website dev that my stalker Lieghty had employed to stalk me on line and create defamatory content in the 2023 mayor election. The person dropped of two documents one with Lieghty's name attached to her website and the other to a sate maintained by Scott E33 enlisted who dropped out of the Navy and had a DD-214 where he was rewarded near $6000 by Adams County democrats via the VA for his disinformation campaign.

in 2023 there was cyber bullying by the Democrats aimed at me on facebook and I found Scott on my facebook 3 times under different names. The Democrats resorted to disinformation campaigns. Using local government taxpayer funds to pay off cyber attackers.

Scott was stalking my residence and I caught him one day doing it. Tried to approach him and he walked away really fast. So I went to a store and on the way back there was many times Scott could have talked to me. Instead he was being very creepy and shady and this is the M.O. of the Northglenn Mayor to be creepy, dishonest, and a bully. Like a punk thug of criminal violence created by the Denver Public schools gang bangers.

This is how the democrats operate in Northglenn and Adams County. Petty thugs and criminal behavior similar to organized crime. There are many other incidents of violence created by the democrats of Adams County that I'm not going into on this matter.

The Democrats are guilty of many instances of copyright infringement and theft. You will see some of this in this video of the web page dropped of by their disgruntled website stalker scott.

This is a video exposing the democrats and the hateful dishonest intolerant mayor lieghty of Northglenn and the extent of their disinformation and misinformation campaigns. Demonstrating the levels of Political persecution I faced in this community for 55 years. Why I will never stop running for office to oppose political persecution by punk thugs in Northglenn.

You will see a piece of art that is similar in quality to commentary created by the Mad Magazine company in the 1970's. This is based on a real Planned Parenthood baby killing sacrifice chamber. It's an example of modern demonic worship in Colorado over "Reproductive Rights." Known as Abortion. I created this art and tshirt design available at To draw attention to the baby murder policies of perverted democrats who are the 33% of the US Population involved in harming pregnant women."


Some history of the conflict...

I am including here a series of screencaptures from Mark P. Bromley's Facebook profile. He clearly exhibits misogynistic tendencies with his callousness of incorporating the first image here in his public profile. It is his platform that he is presenting, mind you. He has control of the content. He mentions a book he published, and is available for ten bucks, but he shows a screencapture (posted Oct 3, 2022) of a book review entry for it showing four stars and two hundred reviews. That has been refuted in this message board thread about his book. One person that bought and read/sampled the book stated (along the lines) that it could be used to torture terrorists. It even had spelling mistakes which is correctable given the format it is published in. I'm not about to pay to see if he fixed the errors. This all may seem like mere ad hominem and petty, but people that are interested in forensic psychology could see there's a problem with him. The fact that he stands by the fraud is the issue I have.

I also included the two images where he uses the proper name, Karen, in deogratory way. It's nonsensical and crude, a degrading euphemism at innocent people's expense. Then there's me scolding people on social media for doing that; I have a cousin & close friends with the name. I wouldn't dream of being so disrespectful. He may be a veteran, but I am too, and I have a right to expect more dignity from another veteran. Incidentally, Mark is going to run for a state house seat so he set aside his bid for mayor it seems. Beats getting a real job, I suppose.

The plain text of the post.


Apparently the woke publishers of the company slave store of Usa ran by the hateful democrats got upset with my spin opposing their hate message of abortion by their satanic temples of planned parenthood. This picture is in my new video on youtube for the Yoranthium book series and is going to be in my picture book. The Creation Myth of the Sea Elves of Yoranthium. It's a depiction of the demons emerging from the hellfires of the deep dark abyss to devour the souls of the weak, vulnerable, disadvantaged, and the unsuspecting children of the slaves. You might see the symbology in the picture of an upside down cross and a demonic satanic cross. FYI. To educate the Democrats visiting my page. This picture is Abortion being done at Planned Parenthood. This picture is exactly what you find there with the bed and stirrup and the three or more Abortion performer demons murdering your human child that was formed Human by DNA at Conception. The Human Soul is created in the DNA for the DNA is everything you or your child could ever become. This is not a Rape scene this is how Abortions are done. If you Democrats call this rape then why the hell are you aborting babies at planned parenthood? Did you not know that planned parenthood is a satanic alter of human sacrifice in our modern times?

It was very intentional and just another sample of how Yoranthium my book series is a reflection of the barbaric sign of our modern times. The children of Cain have continued to allow evil and corruption to rule our nation and my book Yoranthium is in opposition to the woke and broken dystopian nightmare of the oppression by the democrats.

Please join Yoranthium, by buying my work on line, or supporting my page at Patreon and subscribing to my youtube channels.

-------- reply comment ------

Mark Bromley

Joel S this picture is of the satanic process of Abortion and the evil it represents. Your hateful attack is abuse Joel and represents you being likely the third of the population that beats and physically assault pregnant woman forcing them to murder their child. After all who would want a baby with an abuser like you Joel? Most males who assault pregnant woman are registered violent democrat voters. It's no wonder most democrats want to murder their own voters and lose future elections.

(Above is a screencapture of Mark P. Bromley's reply to a comment from "Joel S" but his comment has been removed, from the looks of it.)

The plain text of the post.


City of Northglenn/council/manager wrote "Some businesses/employees may be inadvertently perpetuating a Negative image of Northglenn."

This is another example of poor city management and a hostile Karen Meme Trope city council. I'm certain the businesses are good people and the employees are the best there can be. There is no reason for this hate. In addition the executive sessions are harmful to our community as it creates a Toxic image of the council who uses these closed sessions to harm and belittle people in our community. This Karen Meme Trope council needs to come to an end. Vote Mark Bromley for a better Northglenn

The plain text of the post.


Update: I was wondering about the pictures the city showed. They had Papa Murphy's in one and the are no longer at Washington Point shopping area. I suspected the pictures to be old and before the rehab of the area in past 4 years and I was right. The Karen Meme Tropes Lied at this weeks meeting but it still upsets me they attacked the businesses and their innocent employees with the following.

City of Northglenn/council/manager wrote "Some businesses/employees may be inadvertently perpetuating a Negative image of Northglenn."

This is another example of poor city management and a hostile Karen Meme Trope city council. I'm certain the businesses are good people and the employees are the best there can be. There is no reason for this hate. In addition the executive sessions are harmful to our community as it creates a Toxic image of the council who uses these closed sessions to harm and belittle people in our community. This Karen Meme Trope council needs to come to an end. Vote Mark Bromley for a better Northglenn

The plain text of the post.

Jan 7, 2014

Mark Bromley

All those people assembled just for me.

Mark Bromley

Old picture by now I would be a Mavrick LT.commander or at least a Master Chief. 1 rank per year pretty darn good.

Mark Bromley's artwork, expressing his "Christian values"(?)

The plain text of the post.

Mark Bromley
January 13, 2023
I also have another picture more graceful to show in my new Yoranthium Picture book nearly completed and available on Kickstarter under Yoranthium. This one is of the Sea Elves and their belief in the Unborn God, or Just God. It's based on Kamakura and is when that statue was a baby. I know that Buddha didn't have pointed ears. However it did when it was a baby as that statue got older his pointed ears drooped because of gravity. Anyhow I needed a temple of hope in the Sea Elf creation myth and I hope you like the art work.

The plain text of the post.

Mark Bromley
July 15 2024
My book Yoranthium is for sale at Apparently the democrats where I live called my book Contraband and Controversial as it exposes them as global socialists. Not to mention they worry I could make money and finally have wealth of my own to run against them effectively. If you want to help out my book series get Yoranthium Lost Hope. If you want to fix the USA buy my books. Made in the USA.

The plain text of the post.

Mark Bromley
July 11 2024
Polarized politics have created inequality of income and a break down in economics. Many book customers are now homeless and have no money or place for a book collection. This means a serious decrease in book sales as the homeless situation is worse now because of illegal immigration issues. No one has spare money for books and POD is making books too damn expensive to purchase. LULU is way over priced and wants to charge over 54 dollars for a hard back book. Inflation caused by tyrannical democrats is keeping books a luxury item no one can afford. The book reading public is to oppressed and poor and likely many are now homeless do to the USA being economically unstable because of the far left liberal false religion of global socialist government destroying the economy and making book lovers homeless in the USA.

Mark Bromley's reply comment about artwork criticism

The plain text of the post.

Mark Bromley
July 6, 2024 1am
Some of my artwork is based on Mad Magazine. A magazine comic that illustrated a parody of politics, society, economics, and entertainment and other concerns of it's time. I have seen there is a website dedicated to our messed up racist mayor and my commentary of the planned parenthood abortion methods was cited on such a website. Now I know you haters don't like political commentary in art form like mad magazine type art. However me and several Northglenn born and raised artists did learn that art style at Huron Junior High here in Northglenn. There is more of where that came from.

Post where someone's reply comments were removed...

The plain text of the messages.

Just to point this out. No group no matter how marginalized they may feel has No right to leave their political messaging in the form of vandalism or graffiti in any city park in the City of Northglenn. Especially when the above message pictured is one of Hate being created by the Democrat ran City Council of Northglenn.

Mark Bromley
Paula N are you saying you support hate crime messages by city council that is graffiti, vandalism and abuse of a Law enforcement memorials in Northglenn?
The democrat politically messaging graffiti is antifa and blm based partisan messaging activism of a sexual nature and doesn't belong on our city parks public right of way.
My being Christian or White has nothing to do with this and I would like you to refrain form Racist comments in the future Paula.
2y2 years ago

Mark Bromley
Paula N The Democrat Fascist use Anti to hide and cover up their NAZI party. Don't be so ignorant and realized what PC words are. Those are cover up words used to lie to people like you Paula. I don't know why you hate "rump" or who that is? Paula stop your ignorant hate and stop being a tool. Grow up and learn the truth. I'm trying to help you and educate you. Don't make this more difficult than the lying democrats in Adams county have been making if for you.
2y2 years ago

Mark Bromley
Paula N Wow Paula you sure know a lot about those funky words of yours. Perhaps you need to wake up. It's Wake up not Woke up. Understand that difference and you could learn something new you never knew. You've been programed by the Democrat hate machine. The world doesn't have to be that way. I traveled the world more extensively than those liar's you call Democrats. I know only the truth and that is all I can offer you.

Michael A.
Mark Bromley you wouldn't know the truth if it literally stuck its head directly into your poop hole.

Mark P. Bromley's direct messages to me on Facebook...

The plain text of the messages.

Jun 28, 2024, 1:57 PM
Hello, I'm Mark Bromley trying to reach you. Wanted to know what you needed? You match the description I was given and the DD-214 I seen. The address is outside of Northglenn and House District 34 but let me know why you came by?

Fri 12:28 PM
Hello, I'm Mark Bromley trying to reach you. Wanted to know what you needed? You match the description I was given and the DD-214 I seen. The address is outside of Northglenn and House District 34 but let me know why you came by?

Fri 11:35 PM
I tried to reach out to you and decided to review the website you provided. I'm not sure you should be contacting me as webpages seem very unstable. Please do not stalk or harass my family members in the future. Do not make contact with my mother. You are obviously in the third of the world population that is abusive towards pregnant people and misunderstood my protest picture of planned parenthood in the website I visited. My art work at times can seem like a mad magazine commentary on modern politics. I learned that art form at Huron Jr. High. It's a valid commentary on messed up democrat nazi politics in Northglenn.

My side of the story...

To clarify here, the contact that I made with his mother was that I went to his house, knocked on the door and asked if Mark was there. He lives there. It is the same address that he uses so he lives with his mother. It's a big house, so whatever, he isn't the first single, middle-aged man to share a house with his mother. I was carrying two pieces of paper in my hand, computer print-outs, and I made that obvious. One was a copy of my DD-214 and I didn't even conceal my social security number on the (copy) of the document. I originally hoped to just be able to show him it, and then I was planning to request that he produce his for my inspection. (I was going to use that kind of wording, so as to make it a dignified, respectful request that could be considered a traditional greeting between two military veterans & my idea was that once he showed me his DD-214 then at any time in the future that I might see somebody write of him that he "claims to be a veteran" I would be prepared to personally confirm that he is a veteran. Of course he would figure that it really doesn't matter what I have to say since I'm not anyone of any importance or influence, etc. Many people jump to that conclusion. I'm actually known by some local One-percenters (no, not ultra wealthy people like the term is used in social media and the like), but I grew up in Thornton which borders the city and I live in this city now. (Why would it matter what exact local address is on a document that's thirty-five years old? I can understand Denver people being all anal & purists & territorial, but seriously!)

I want to also explain that I did not look very closely at his Facebook content before visiting his house. I wanted to first give him the opportunity to meet me and provide evidence of his (honorable) service before I would be critical of anything he posted or said. I was giving him some latitude on referring to George Floyd since the majority of white veterans are not racist or prejudiced, but can be stigmatized as such quite easily. It is because of the stereotype of white man is a bigot but too ignorant to understand that. Mark referred to George as a kindred spirit which told me that Mark understood the details of the event (although it was insisted that George didn't know the twenty dollar bill was a counterfeit, from what I recall, but the police response was too extreme for the circumstances). I personally stayed away from the controversy. I've been brutalized by police too and my counselors explained to me that I did nothing to deserve such treatment, but if I would attempt to relay the story to an average person they'd probably insist that I did since I yelled at an officer "F* you" after he told me that he was going to kill my friend (and shipmate) because my friend had crashed his car into the officer's personal parked vehicle. My friend was attempting to make a U-turn in what turned out to be the City of Long Beach, CA police department's employee parking lot, of all places. My friend was drunk and crashed his car into a vehicle in the lot. I wasn't in the car because I had jumped out a few minutes prior when we were stopped at a light since my friend was driving a bit aggressively. Both my friend and I were severely beaten and I took a plea deal of "obstructing police" in order to get out of the jail and return to my ship. I had no way of posting the bail they were requesting for my release. It is because of all of that is why I have such difficulty discussing police brutality or related racism, etc. since I've experienced the same but I'd be blamed if I talked about it since I'm Caucasion. (See: Kafkatrapping.)

Oh, I know I can be verbose! Anyway, I was giving Mark the benefit of the doubt. The other piece of paper I had given his mother had a QR code and an URL to one of my websites so he could contact me. (Someone else who is actually famous contacted me through the link I provide on my websites, and it worked fine for her!) He said my website is "unstable" and I have no idea what he means by that. It's just a deogratory way of saying that my websites are not absolutely flawless (ad hominem). I have no ads or other irritations and the webpage template that I use is compliant to mobile devices. I intend for most of my websites that they only be temporary and I host them as "static" (meaning that there is no "backend" software running to enable features like "push notifications" or set cookies or whatever). I try as much as I possibly can to explain that. I try to do what I do on the cheap since I receive fixed-income disability. My feelings are incredibly hurt since I put so much into my sites and include educational (social science) referrences so people can catch up with what is going on internationally. Mark's obvious implication is that I would need to have all my websites published online in such a way to where there could be absolutely no reason at all that anyone would ever question the legitimacy or suspect that the sites are not safe to visit using their devices, even if they were biased and already had in their mind that I was to be merely dismissed as an imbecile. In other words, Mark is saying that since I'm poor and disabled I shouldn't be allowed my free speech unless my medium to express it is agreeable to everyone, even hypocrites.

So my assessment is that Mark P. Bromley is a fraud. There are plenty of examples of honorably discharged veterans that people would be hard-pressed to respect. Mark just resorted to stigmatizing me as a deranged stalker ... oh ... I just remembered that I was going to point out a post he made where he had deleted (or hid) comments made by a critic. In the text of the comments that were his there is a name given that he was replying to. Unless those comments contained (excessive) foul language or threats or whatever there is no reason why he should remove them since his Facebook is obviously intended to be a political platform presentation. Removing the critics comments without just removing the entire post (which would have been more reasonable, but still questionable as to his overall integrity) was suppressing another citizen's free speech. It is possible that the person replying removed her comments. I admit that. That wouldn't be a reasonable assumption given the context, however. Internet trolls suppress people's free speech too. Mark P. Bromley is a troll.

Mark P. Bromley's comment on city's Facebook post...

Note: The problem I am having with him is that he sets a terrible example and relies on incendiary language that is common among extreme "right-wing" individuals, but he considers himself religious conservative (obviously "Republican") but his rhetoric is merely that, vapid & boorish. That in itself maybe still free speech (for sake of argument), but combined with religious propaganda imagery and inane use of sensational wording written in comments that are only about inserting some latest politically charged catchwords that is only intended to intimidate. The platform that he supposedly agrees with is closely associated, by their choice, is also associated with violence too. In my personal assessment of the Jan 06, 2021 U.S. Capitol incident, I consider it vigilantism, and of course that isn't a popular position to take, even with my own father. (My father was the state delegate for Ben Carson before Ben dropped out.) I didn't take a popular position on George Zimmerman either, by Ted Nugent's professed standard (for example) but I can't defend some adult man killing an innocent adolescent. I state those examples as a point to reflect my conundrum with "politics", where either side has extremes ... and of course that is the nature of the beast (so to speak).

Anyway... Here's the text of the city's post. It included a photo of the house but I didn't include it here.

City of Northglenn Government
April 04, 2024
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the 400+ individuals who attended the public meeting at the Recreation Center last night to discuss the Mental Health Transitional Living Home planned for 11255 and 11275 Grant Drive. A recording of the meeting is available online Stay tuned as we keep the city's page updated with any new developments. For those who couldn't make it or missed the chance to fill out a comment card last night, you can share your thoughts on our webpage as well.

Mark Bromley's comment...

The plain text of his comment.

Top fan
Mark Bromley
April 04, 2024

There is a street in Northglenn who opposes this. It's in Ward 4 called Kennedy. JFK in his presidency got rid of these kinds of prisons. He saw how the communists and the socialists the Marxists used these facilities in a new kind of prisons and oppression. How Karen Meme Tropes would be brutal and harsh in false accusations and create tyranny by the suspicion of nonconformity to the political mindset of extremist philosophies created in the 20th century. The fake and False sciences of oppressors and tyrants created in the Maxist views of Sociology (the secret police of the masses), Psychology (secret police of the individual rewarding desired out comes with drug addiction), Political Science (the false science of those who for a four year degree could be entitled to be your Tyrants and Dictators confusing and confiscating your genders like Willford.) Progressing to the failure of the NAZI's that of National Socialism. As Radiological, Biological and Chemical weapons increased by leaps and bounds. Now the City of North Korea Northglenn has two new open door Prisons right next to the path that minors going to school transit twice daily.

Now you see why I'm constantly having to run for office because our society is in decay and we have an evil city management and racist, dishonest, intolerant (in their own words) city council of a broken and dishonest past. Promoting Globalist Socialism the GAZI values as old as all the strife and world wars of the 20th century when the fake and false sciences spurned by Socrates and Aristotle began getting taught in our higher education system liberal art schools.

In 2024 you can change the horrible path we are on here in North Korea Northglenn. You can stop electing tattooed puppets of a hidden Aristocracy of the GAZI Globalist Socialists. Instead you can restore Colorado to it's foundations. Bromley Adams County since 1877.

The city posted a link for their app on August 8, 2024 and Mark P. Bromley was the only one commenting. (Again, clicking on his name and then his photos will reveal his "pro-life" drawing.)

The plain text of his comment.

Top fan
Mark Bromley
August 08, 2024

You are required by law to document and keep on record any and all reports that can be FOIA requested. If a person wants to keep secrets its usually because they are up to no good in the first place. Stop the illegal use of lynch mob tactics.
Any one accused of anything have the right to know the name of their false accusers. It's a Right. Stop criminal vigilantism Northglenn.

I figured that I'd include this for content & gives a bit more insight into Mark P Bromley's derangement. He put this video together in critique of the State Representative, Jenny Willford, and comments on the woman's physical characteristic which is rude and disrespectful. My elders (grandparents) taught me that people who do not have uncorrectable vision impairment are capable of looking at themselves in a mirror, in the real world literal sense of the phrase, and so commenting on what they look like is rather trite, boorish, immature, etc. and is not respectful. The practice is a point to stereotype and stigmatize other people without knowing much about their circumstances. My paternal g'ma was morbidly obese to the point of mostly bedridden but she suffered violent abuse as a child & no, she didn't hate her father because of it since he was working class Irish Catholic and so dealt with being mistreated himself in the industrial revolution era. (She started dating a nineteen yr old man when she was fourteen and her dad flipped out and beat her, almost to death. She took care of her younger siblings & passed herself off as being sixteen. I had a neighbor in 2025 who was beat to that extent by her father too. In her case it was after she told him that she was raped by some man. It seems strange that would happen, like the father would have to be a psychotic monster but it's out of embarrassment, maybe emasculating, i.e., implication that he can't protect his child ... maybe, but also a shock factor. My great-grandfather did what he did & my g'ma forgave him so that's what I know. My neighbor maintained a relationship with hers and she was rather crazy, drank heavily, & would get communication bans with her other Seventh-day Adventists Church members. I once helped her clean a bunch of her dishes after she let it go for some time. I helped people like that.) In any event I also wanted to point out that Mark posted this video to YouTube as being "made for children" which is batshit crazy. I suppose it does lend to my posit of younger local students might take interest in local politics and maybe he recognizes the fact but he is not being appropriate. Jenny Willford for Colorado HD34 State Represent is Abusive, Mean and Negligent, hates coworkers - Mark P Bromley on YouTube.

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The following is remnants of the webpage that I used as a template that I just left in.

(I will reformat and edit this later, I think.)

So if a person who is suspected of being in the country illegally is proven to not be a descendant of a person illegally forced out of the country (let us not forget the Mexican Repatriation c.1929 to 1939, also) ... then they would be in the country unlawfully. The problem with that is hopefully obvious since there is really no way our gov't could prove that. So the right-wingers, like Lauren Boebert, Don Trump, Stephen Miller, and my father who figure that anybody who isn't all hating on immigrants is just weak, "bleeding heart liberal", or whatever are not understanding that there is the Fourteenth Amd of the U.S. Constitution that (is supposed to) guarantee equal protection of law and so also a person is presumed innocent so that's why the U.S. gov't should have to prove that the immigrants that they try to deport are not descendants of former U.S. citizens.

Scroll down to some of my work.

In an attempt to establish credibility for referring to myself as a "social scientist" I figured that I'd offer an introduction. Oh, you thought that I'd try to use the word "sociologist", didn't you! - oh, haha - so I'd get the "evils of socialism" rant and I'd then stand accused of being a communist ... of course I'm not, but it'd put me on the defensive ... it's like fighting your way out of a paper bag, but what's so hard about that? The question is how you got into the paper bag in the first place; by being cordial & accommodating & harmonious, but of course that reveals a fear of rejection, banishment. Reveal a weakness or vulnerability then sadistic people will have a way to exploit & extort, and have a source of entertainment. I am an autodidact and have some relatable formal education, but also I have been informally, but specifically & purposefully, educated in regards to the application of the guarantee of equal protection of law that the U.S. Constitution Fourteenth Amendment (is meant to) provide.

Here's an introduction to my take on sociology (a rough outline)

(To exert control over others ⇾ oppression ⇾ benefaction ⇾ oppression ⇾ benefaction ⇾ isolation ⇾ dependency ⇾ subjugation)

Other current relevant behavioral/mental health advocacy information

Brief list of popular related sociology studies & experiments

other sites of mine:

(Links open in new tab or window.)

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About Webpage & Author

Some of my work ...

One of my more recent projects was converting scanned magazine articles to digital text and one in a Colorado History magazine (printed in 1973) included an article about Junius R. Lewis. There was an injustice committed against him that entailed gender issues as well as the racism that he had to contend with. It's a fascinating story! (The article includes references so converting it to EPUB3 with audio reader capability is an aspect that needs work.)

Content use in conformance with fair use

Photograph of my old department crewmembers and I displaying our Battle Efficiency Award onboard the now decommissioned USS Wabash AOR-5

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